Tomar Lawyer’s is one of the fastest-growing full-service law firm in Delhi & NCR and has followed—if not created—the blueprint for legal success.

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Pro bono activities are an important professional responsibility.

Tomar Lawyer’s also consider pro bono activities to be an important professional responsibility. Tomar Lawyer’s strongly encourages all attorneys and paralegals to commit at least 120 hours per year to some type of pro bono activity. Tomar Lawyer’s recognizes that efforts devoted to pro bono legal services, and the cause in question, may vary greatly from afvocate to advocate. The time spent on approved pro bono work is credited toward each advocates or each paralegal's annual performance goals and, therefore, it is considered, along with time devoted to client matters, for purposes of evaluation and compensation.

These Pro Bono legal services include:

Poverty Law:

Legal services in civil or criminal matters of importance to a client who does not have the financial resources to pay a customary legal fee.

Civil Rights and Public Rights Law:

Legal services concerning rights of individuals, or a significant segment of the public as a whole, where it is inappropriate to charge the client a customary legal fee.

Representation of Charitable Organizations:

Legal services to charitable, religious, civic, governmental, educational, or similar organizations that provide services to the poor.